Pedigree - Blup 125!


Viktor fra Diisa has excellent pedigree!


His fantastic genes come from both his father and his mother, who are both horses that strongly pass on their supreme qualities in confirmation as well as rideabilities and nice positive spirit. 


Viktors father is the famous Garri frá Reykjavik (total 8,77), who is the highest judged icelandic stallion ever. He has already delivered many great offsprings with high breeding judgedments. 


Viktors mother is the spectacular mare, Svana frá Nedra Ási (8,32). Svana has 9,5 for both neck/shoulders and trot, and she had Viktor and another offspring representing Denmark at the World Championship 2009 in breeding. She is an amazing mare.  


It lookes like Viktor has inherited the great ability to pass on all the good genes to his offsprings. They have great, powerfull and elegant appearance, long supple necks, long legs and large high and smooth movements. They are nice and easy to handle.


We are looking very much forward to watching and following the offsprings all around the world. It is very exciting!!







Viktor fra Diisa



Garri frá Rekjavik


Svana frá Nedra-Ási